Let us partner with you!

What we do:

  • We train pastors to effectively mentor new and developing leaders
  • We help pastors to select the leaders to invest into.
  • We provide pastors with the resources to take these leaders on a 12-month mentoring journey.

Develop ministry leaders with a 12-month mentoring journey designed to:

  • Develop greater unity around your vision for the church.
  • Develop a leadership pipeline for an expanding ministry team.
  • Empower church health through Spirit-empowered leadership
  • Empower church growth through organizational effectiveness.
  • Help people find and fulfill their personal destiny in Christ.

We'll help you get started:

  • Help you select high potential leaders who can become partners in ministry.
  • Walk you through obstacles to getting started.
  • Meet with you in collegial Pastor to Pastor Zooms with a small group of fellow ministers.